To help you find the ivy that's exactly what you need, we've created this filtering tool. Browse the different filters on the left by clicking on the + button.
Check the criteria you require. For each filter, you can tick more than one criterion if required. For example, for Foliage color, you can check Yellow variegation and White variegation. This will return all ivy that is either variegated yellow or variegated white.
We advise you to click on the FILTER button after completing each filter. You'll then be able to update the link count for the other filters.
- €
Sort by
- New
- Prices: from the cheapest to the most expensive
- Prices: from the most to the least expensive
- Names from A to Z
- Names from Z to A
Ivy category
- Adult(8)
- Cordiform(44)
- Curiosity(35)
- Fan(22)
- Ivy type(89)
- Miniature(26)
- Corrugated(60)
- Panaché(100)
- Bird's foot(69)
- Pittsburgh(113)
Appearance of foliage
- Atypical(141)
- Curly or wavy(70)
- Yellow(33)
- White variegation(81)
- Yellow variegation(70)
- Red in winter(58)
- Green(253)
- Slow(63)
- Modest(55)
- Medium(102)
- Fast(90)
- Vigorous(64)
- Semi-shade(252)
- Shadow(195)
- Sun(242)
- Bonsai(11)
- Ground cover(327)
- Climber(229)
- Isolated(10)
- Houseplant(58)
- Pots or planters(296)
- Rocaille(34)
- Suspension(128)
- Topiary(26)
Ease of cultivation
- Delicate in humid conditions(1)
- Difficult(4)
- Easy(220)
- Average(48)
- Shrubby(4)
- Fairly branched(109)
- Compact(49)
- Dressed(5)
- Thick(10)
- Epars(26)
- Spread(166)
- Extended(36)
- Lianescent(1)
- Slightly branched(43)
- Steep(1)
- Drop-down(4)
- Semi-rigged(16)
- Tuft(38)
- Stocky(87)
- Highly branched(31)
- AGM(6)
- Ivy of the year(3)
Pot size
- 9 cm bucket(318)
- 1-liter pot(334)
- 1-litre jar suspension(0)
- 1-litre staked pot(7)
- 2-litre pot(311)
- 2-litre jar suspension(5)
- 2-litre staked pot(23)
- 4-liter pot(284)
- 4-litre pot suspension(0)
- 4-litre staked pot(9)
- 7-litre pot(89)
- 9-litre pot(9)
Stock status
- In stock
- Out of print